The level of healthy blood pressure is measured in two numbers as 120mmHg systolic and 80 mmHg diastolic. Either it is high or low, its causes, how it happened, and medication to treat it must be in your routine otherwise leads to death.
What causes BP to fluctuate from high to low level? Everyone's blood pressure rises and falls many times during the course of a single day, sometimes even within minutes. Many facts such as physical activity, stress, emotions, diet, body position, and sleep deprivation cause this.
Symptoms of high blood pressure (hypertension) include:
- Severe headache
- Nose bleed
- Fatigue? confusion
- Vision problem
- Irregular heartbeat
- Difficult breathing.
The reading reaches 80/110 or more seek medication right away.
The symptoms and signs of low blood pressure (hypotension) include:
- Nausea
- Lightheadedness
- Dizziness
- Depression
- Clammy skin
- Loss of consciousness
if these signs appear many doctors will consider it chronic.
Causes Of High And Low Blood Pressure:
Causes of high diastolic blood pressure are linked to a higher risk of disease involving the large artery called the aorta that carries blood and oxygen from the heart to other body parts due to a high sodium diet, obesity, stress, anxiety, or lack of physical activity.
Organs affected by hypertension are the heart, kidney, brain, and arterial blood vessels as target uncontrolled high BP damage these organs to cardiovascular death. You also think what causes systolic blood pressure to be high is moderate headache, shortness of breath, or feeling of pulsation in the neck.
Blood pressure is normally a greater role in body functioning to move blood via circulatory system oxygen, nutrients would not reach to tissues through your arteries nor would WBC's distributed without normal range.
Foods To Maintain Blood Pressure Level:
Tricks to lower blood pressure instantly and foods that raise blood pressure quickly should be taken carefully in the diet as prevention is better than cure. So a good diet helps a lot in maintaining the blood pressure level both in men and women even in adults. These foods are:
- Citrus fruits: with vitamins maintain blood level and reduce heart disease.
- Fatty fish: omega-3 fats reduce inflammation and decreasing blood vessels constricting.
- Pumpkin seeds: have magnesium, potassium, arginine produce nitric acid essential for blood vessels to relax.
- Beans: rich in fiber, magnesium, and potassium lower high blood pressure.
- Berries: blueberries, raspberries, chokeberries are openly associated with lower blood pressure effects.
- Pistachios: among all nuts pistachio had a great effect to reduce high BP levels.
- Celery: a vegetable with phthalides that relax blood vessels.
- Carrot: intake 16 ounces of fresh carrot juice for 3 months maintain blood level.
- Broccoli: people who consumed 4 or more broccoli servings had a lower risk of high BP.
Medication To Regulate BP Level Normal:
The body responds to high and low blood pressure is just when rises baroreceptors within blood vessels at a higher rate trigger the stimulation of the heart by stretching the wall of blood vessels.
Normal regulation of blood pressure can be maintained so in case of any severe case adopting instant remedy at home for low blood pressure such as low intake of sodium, intake potassium, learn to manage stress, lose weight or in case of severe case seek emergency treatment of blood pressure.
As try the dietary approaches mention above to stop hypertension with intravenous medication for further organ damage prevention. In case of hypotension take salt, drink water, meet the doctor to discuss medication.
In many cases, blood pressure leads to death with going up for one or while affecting your heart rate. By keeping it normal, healthy limits can help you to live a long fit life.
To Sum Up:
Keep a chart of blood pressure readings seek doctor regularly it helps you to reduce possible problems before the case is severe.
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